Tuesday, February 28, 2006

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Ask anyone about life and you would be told - Life is.....(a bag of cherries, difficult, what you make it, the pits...) and on, and on.

As we find and begin to enter and explore our spiritual paths or callings, we begin to see that Life Just Is! The adjectives used to describe life change according to the speaker. For those who "Think Positively", life would be positive things to them. For those who "Think Negatively", life would be problems to them. For those who "do not stop to think, or do not think at all", life is "whatever"!

I would like to invite us to consider that Life could be considered a game, and that the Game of Life could be played. It could be played in the natural (in the flesh) and in the spiritual (in the spirit).

I would like to share with you a book that I have had since 1980 called "Your Word is Your Wand", by Florence Scovel Shinn. I then progressed to the "Wisdom of Florence Scovel Shinn", which contains 4 of her complete books, including the Game of Life.

Florence Scovel Shinn was widely known for many years as an artist and illustrator, metaphysician and lecturer, and as having helped thousands of people through her great work of healing and assisting in solving their problems.

I believe that I was led to Ms Shinn because of having been a Unity-Daily Word student. I followed her teachings (usually in the natural, as at that time I did not develop my spiritual muscles at all). I would mouth the Affirmations, but not really connect them with spirit. Seeking spirituality in the natural also led me to many other masters and orientations.

Not until a dramatic event enveloped me in 2000, did those teachings begin to kick in. I became painfully aware of the importance of the metaphysical in our daily lives. According to the metaphysicians, there are three departments of the mind (p4, Wisdom):

  • the subconscious - whatever we feel deeply or image clearly (visualize), is impressed upon the subconscious mind, and carried out in minutest detail;
  • the conscious mind - the carnal or mortal mind is the human mind that sees life as it appears to be. It sees death, disaster, sickness, poverty and limitation of every kind, and it impresses the subconscious;
  • the superconscious mind - the God mind, within each man and is the realm of perfect ideas - the perfect pattern, the Divine Design, for there is a Divine Design for each person. Sometimes we get flashes which seem as unattainable, too good to be true. This is where true destiny resides, and each of us has our own true destiny.

I was operating (and still do from time to time) at the first two levels - deeply feeling, visualizing, being overwhelmed by what is going on around me and in the world, only seeing lack and limitation, etc. Any flash from the superconscious would be a temporary set of excited actions, and back again to conscious and subconscious mind sets.

We all know, as behavioural experts, that knowledge does not directly lead to action, unless one can move to superconsious at a rapid pace and allow life to manifest as it should with overwhelming love, abundance, peace, health, happiness...

The Game of Life is a game of work, a game where we have to know and operate with all three engines firing.

This Blog is to invite all who want to play to post their stories and where they are with the three engines.

I cannot expect all people to agree with the above, but unless there is a working alternative, feel free to blog in and blog on

Why this Blogsite

This Blog was created through a revelation today. Yesterday I was talking with a friend who is very concerned with the state of non-health as she saw it of one of her very good friends. Somehow the discussion centered around not letting go and I shared that at times, not letting go could also show up in our lives as disease. Today in my meditation I came across the passage (p65 Wisdom) that a health issue, a dis-ease, was believed to have been caused by congesting, storing away too many things; congestion of things causes congestion in the body. When the law of use is violated, the body pays the penalty.

The affirmation was that "Divine order was established in her mind, body and affairs"

All of you who have anyone needing an affirmation might want to repeat that for him/herself or friend, family, whomever.

